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Five Trends that Demand Faster Data Center Processing Speeds

APCON products help data centers make the jump from 100G to 400G

APCON product releases and enhancements are most often a response to customers’ current and future processing trends. The last two years have presented a new challenge to mid-market and enterprise data centers with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and higher volumes of data to manage. More data traffic inevitably demands faster port speeds to process, analyze, and perform cybersecurity checks without data loss or latency.

Following are five prominent trends that are catalysts for your data center’s evolution to faster processing line rates:

  1. Increased Infrastructure Demands for AI Workloads The deployment of AI workloads, including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), is increasing. These applications frequently require accelerated processing power, and data centers are upgrading their infrastructures to meet these demands.
  2. Bandwidth Requirements AI applications, particularly those that rely on monstrous datasets and complex models, produce significant measures of information that must be processed and transferred within data centers. This data influx has led to an increased demand for higher bandwidth to ensure efficient data movement.
  3. Migration to Higher Speeds Data centers have historically upgraded their network speeds to accommodate growing data traffic. The progress from 10G to 25G, 40G, and 100G has occurred, and now the introduction of 400G has necessitated new operations requirements for faster data transfer rates.
  4. Emergence of 400G In recent years, 400G Ethernet has emerged as the next standard for high-speed data center networking. The transition to 400G is driven by the need for increased bandwidth to support data-intensive applications, including AI.
  5. Cost Efficiency and Scalability Data centers are continually looking for ways to improve efficiency and scalability. Higher-speed connections can lead to more streamlined data processing and have proven cost-effective when considering the increasing demands on data center infrastructures.

As is evident when reviewing the trends above, AI is one of the hottest current buzzwords in the IT/Computer business sectors. Let’s examine some practical uses of AI that will increase the data volume being funneled into server rooms that need to be speedily accounted for to ensure accurate monitoring by security appliances that safeguard the network.

  • Healthcare: AI is being used to develop new drugs and treatments, diagnose diseases, and provide personalized care.
  • Finance: Detecting fraud, managing risk, and providing investment advice are financial activities using AI technology.
  • Manufacturing: AI is assisting with the automation of tasks, optimization of production, and improvements in quality control.
  • Retail: AI techniques personalize recommendations, optimize inventory, and combat fraud.
  • Transportation: AI is used to build self-driving cars, optimize traffic management, and predict demand for route planning.(1)

APCON is well aware of the need within data centers to graduate to higher processing speeds and is ahead of the adoption curve for 400G technology. That’s why the latest slate of IntellaView blades and firmware includes multiple options for IT teams to add 400G network observability solutions to their existing architecture. Review the selection of APCON 400G-capable blades that acquire, optimize, and distribute traffic to security, performance, and analysis monitoring tools.


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