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Protocol Header Stripping
APCON's network packet brokers provide advanced protocol stripping features to ensure diagnostic tools have complete network visibility and operate at maximum efficiency.
Solutions for Entertainment and Travel Networks
Speed and availability of data for travel and entertainment providers are the very heartbeat of their businesses — APCON helps them keep their data safe and secure.
Packet Deduplication
Complete network visibility requires monitoring traffic at multiple points in your datacenter. APCON network packet brokers will find and remove duplicate packets before they can slow down your network and analytics tools.
Five Trends that Demand Faster Data Center Processing Speeds
New technologies (AI, 5G, high performance computing) go hand-in-hand with increased data traffic, which demands faster port speeds to process, analyze, and perform cybersecurity checks without data loss or latency.
APCON’s industry-leading IntellaView and IntellaFlex XR platforms provide easy-to-configure tunnel initiation/termination, supporting GRE, NVGRE, VXLAN, GENEVE, and ERSPAN I, II, and III protocols.
Legacy Product Policy
APCON's End of Life Policy applies to our hardware, software, and services. Learn more about our End of Life Policy and the lifecycle of our advanced solutions.
Switch management takes another leap forward: Titan v4.05
APCON's release of Titan v4.05 represents another milestone in multi-switch management software.
IntellaView 16-Port Multi-Function Blade
The ever-expanding IntellaView platform blade portfolio meets current and future aggregation needs of up to 400G traffic flows. New for 2024, the IntellaView ACI-4130-E16 blade delivers futureproof performance to any network data center requiring 16 ports of standard or advanced ultra-high-speed optimization. The blade is available in two models, with the IntellaView E16-2 blade model offering an advanced feature module that powers Distributed Load Balance Groups (LBGs), Packet-Aware Slicing, and Packet Deduplication with up to 400G throughput.
IntellaView 52-Port Multi-Function Blade
The ACI-4030-E52 blade is a highly flexible Packet Aggregation switch that offers Packet Slicing, Protocol Header Stripping, and tunneling on 48 SFP+ ports and 4 QSFP28 ports
IntellaFlex XR 36-Port Packet Aggregator
The APCON IntellaFlex XR Packet Aggregator blade includes 36 ports of 1G / 10G Ethernet with Aggregation and Port Tagging. It is optimized for Ethernet network monitoring applications.
Enable Network Wide Visibility
APCON's network visibility platforms offer maximum security and performance for corporate networks. Our optimization, aggregation, and filtering solutions can collect and send the right data to monitoring, performance, and security tools for faster insights.
APCON helps secure sensitive patient information with surgical precision
APCON helps healthcare companies significantly upgrade network monitoring and security infrastructure, increasing the visibility and protection of patient and provider data. APCON’s inline monitoring and security tools, as well as a virtual network visibility tool, eliminate blind spots within on-premise and virtual east-west traffic.
IntellaFlex XR 36-Port Multi-Function Blade
The ACI-3032-E36-1 multi-function blade provides Packet Slicing, Packet Deduplication, Timestamping, protocol stripping and more for the IntellaFlex XR platform.
Surfing the Growing Waves of Network Traffic with 400G Upgrades
Digital connectivity is the lifeblood of global communication. The demand for faster, more scalable networking solutions continues to surge. Prepare now for the growth of high-bandwidth applications, cloud computing, streaming services, and the Internet of Things.