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Switch management takes another leap forward: Titan v4.05

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APCON's release of Titan v4.05 represents another milestone in multi-switch management software. The latest release provides expanded capabilities for centralized operation of APCON network visibility solutions. A secured HTML5-based graphical user interface (GUI) provides authorized users with single login access to the entire monitoring network. The easy-to-use graphical interface provides network-wide visibility of status, alarms, events, and statistics dashboards as well as scheduling of configuration backups or firmware updates.

With support of the REST API interface, Titan allows customers to easily develop custom applications, allowing integration and interfacing with all IntellaView and IntellaFlex XR network visibility switches. Quickly access any device on the network by selecting it on Titan’s Global View, providing IntellaView and IntellaFlex WebXR features directly on a tab within Titan.

In Titan v4.05, users will find new enhancements like:

• Access to remote self-managed databases

• Support for Duplex and Duplex Tap Connections

• Direct access to embedded IntellaView and WebXR switch GUIs

• Enhanced REST support

• Updated embedded Maria v10.6 database

• Windows Server 2019 support

• Titan Messaging

Titan provides the ability to manage the entire APCON visibility infrastructure from a single screen and make device changes instantly. The more switches you have to manage, the more time you will save using Titan.

EASY SWITCH CONFIGURATION is available through the Clone feature. Users can copy the attributes of an existing switch and apply those attributes to multiple switches using a single Titan screen.

SIMPLIFY NEW FIRMWARE DEPLOYMENT and eliminate potential delays and the complexity of synchronizing management and firmware version upgrades with full switch access directly within Titan.

EASY TO LEARN AND USE due to a common look and feel for Titan, IntellaView, and WebXR secured HTML5-based graphical user interfaces, reducing training and increasing operational efficiency.

CUSTOMIZED DASHBOARDS allow users to view statistics for multiple switch ports like utilization, trends, and traffic graphs over specific time intervals. In addition to tracking traffic from a key switch or router, dashboards make it easy to monitor the utilization and trending of critical traffic analysis tools.

If you use APCON products but haven’t explored the possibilities of Titan switch management, visit our Titan page to learn more and request a demo of the latest enhancements.

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