IntellaView Enterprise Lite - Now Available
Explore FeaturesNetwork visibility solutions for
To thrive in today's digital business, aviation and transportation companies' IT infrastructures must become more efficient and agile to meet growing demands.
Aerospace and logistics engineers demand complete confidence in the networks that power their projects, especially regarding security, speed, and application performance. It requires total traffic visibility to minimize any negative impact on research, development, and business processes.
Technological breakthroughs like AI, advanced robotics, IoT devices, and cloud computing have led to increased volume and frequency of data traversing enterprise networks. Accurate and comprehensive network visibility is no longer optional for enterprises of this size and scope — and no one provides better visibility than APCON. Our IntellaView network packet broker platform provides unequaled visibility of your entire hybrid network fabric.
Ultra-high performance network visibility
APCON's IntellaView platform is designed to accommodate unprecedented levels of bandwidth and enable network visibility for hybrid workloads running in all environments, including private cloud, public cloud, and on-premises infrastructures.
1RU | 1.5RU | 3RU | 5RU | 9RU
1G / 10G / 25G / 40G / 100G
Wifi | Bluetooth
Our intuitive, browser-based user interface allows you to easily maintain control and visibility over your entire network fabric.
Capture network traffic from Virtual Private Cloud and Public Cloud environments.
Complete line of 1G, 10G, 40G, and 100G optical TAPs enabling 100% visibility without impacting network device performance.
future-proof your network
APCON technologies provide:
Every two seconds, a commercial aircraft powered by GE takes off. We invent the future of flight, we lift people up, and we bring them home safely. What I tell my team is we secure that purpose and mission. Cyber is now a criteria of the way we do business, and who we choose to do business with along all of our operations.
IntellaFlex XR Case Study
A commercial and military aircraft manufacturer needed to increase network visibility into traffic flowing into its global data centers and security tools. The company required full visibility to monitor, identify, and resolve attempted breaches and maximize tool performance and investment. Read how the company’s network monitoring architecture enables it to identify issues quicker while reducing IT costs with APCON’s visibility solutions.