IntellaView Enterprise Lite - Now Available
Explore FeaturesAPCON’s IntellaView switch software supports Distributed Load Balance Groups: an upgrade of standard Load Balance Groups (LBGs) allowing expansion when the blade on which the LBG resides does not have available ports. Open ports on another blade in the Distributed LBG can be used.
The Distributed LBG service (DistLBG) allows an LBG to span multiple blades in a switch. If a port link in a DistLBG goes down, traffic is redistributed to the other ports linked in the LBG so there is minimal disruption of traffic.
Similarly, if a blade that contains ports in a DistLBG goes down, traffic is redistributed to ports on other blades in the LBG.
In scenarios where more than 100G is required, the DistLBG service enables the HyperEngine blade to obtain rates up to 400G using both the DistLBG service and 1-4 service engines on the HyperEngine blade.
Allows multiple blades to share LBG responsibilities
Trunks can be included in DistLBGs
Trunks/ports can share data loads as needed
Redundant ports/trunks minimize downtime
DistLBGs prevent tool oversubscription
Performance-monitoring tools function at maximum efficiency
Distributed Load Balancing is programmable using IntellaView's single-switch GUI as well as Enterprise, our multi-switch (up to 200) management software. See what Distributed Load Balancing can do to balance the workload of your data center.
Distribute collected data streams at optimum speeds while creating network redundancies that minimize the threat of breaches and costly downtime.
Distributed Load Balancing is available with the APCON 36-port blade (ACI-4030-E36-2), 28-port blade (ACI-4130-E28-2), and the 16-port blade (ACI-4130-E16-2), all with the Advanced Feature Module. These blades can feed data to the HyperEngine (ACI-4033-E00-1) to apply processing speeds up to 400G.
APCON's IntellaView Platform multi-function blades include advanced Protocol (Header) Stripping features (now including VN-tag and GENEVE stripping) to ensure diagnostic tools have complete network visibility and operate at maximum efficiency.