IntellaView Enterprise Lite - Now Available
Explore FeaturesNetwork visibility solutions for
To improve, innovate, deliver new services to market before the competition, and facilitate a superior subscriber experience, service providers need a robust network that includes enhanced security, visibility, and performance. A new generation of network monitoring systems that improves security, visibility, and uptime is required to address this industry's needs. APCON's reliability and world-class service create service industry customers around the world.
The explosion of software-as-a-service, on-demand video, gaming, smartphones, and other technological advancements has impacted how service providers conduct business. As high-tech and communications companies transition into primarily digital business environments, network operators and SaaS (software as a service) providers look for ways to update their network landscapes and minimize costs. APCON's intelligent network Aggregation, Deduplication, and Pattern Matching solutions can help transform any network monitoring architecture into a fortress against modern attack vectors.
APCON's IntellaView platform is designed to accommodate unprecedented levels of bandwidth and enable network visibility for hybrid workloads running in all environments, including private cloud, public cloud, and on-premises infrastructures.
1RU | 1.5RU | 3RU | 5RU | 9RU
Wi-Fi | Bluetooth
Our intuitive, browser-based user interface lets you easily maintain control and visibility over your complete network fabric.
Expand port usage from dozens to hundreds using breakout cables at optimum speeds.
A complete line of 1G, 10G, 40G, 100G, and 400G optical bypass TAPs offers a fail-safe solution that bypasses traffic around non-performing security tools so networks remain operational and available.
future-proof your network
APCON technologies provide:
With the large and diverse mobile threat landscape, businesses require enterprise mobile security solutions. This is especially true as the shift to remote work makes these mobile devices a more common and critical component of an organization’s IT infrastructure.
White Paper
This EMA white paper presents various emerging network and security operations requirements, what to look for when evaluating a network packet broker, and the essentials you'll need for your digital journey.
Maintaining and improving speed, reliability, and data center uptime brings the service provider sector to APCON for answers. A few of the blades that drive required data center capabilities for service providers are:
See more options offered by the IntellaView platform here.